Semiconductor Physics

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第10回~第14回講義ノートをアップしました./ Lecture note No.10 to No.12 have been uploaded.
第4回~第9回講義ノートをアップしました./ Lecture note No.4 to No.9 have been uploaded.
第3回講義ノートをアップしました./ Lecture note No.3 has been uploaded.
第2回講義ノートをアップしました./ Lecture note No.2 has been uploaded.
第1回講義ノートをアップしました./ Lecture note No.1 has been uploaded.
サイトをオープンしました./ Opening of this site.

» Past log

この講義について/About the lecture


How the lecture will go on?

  1. Powerpoint (converted to pdf) file will be uploaded in the corresponding ITC-LMS site , by the day before the lecture.
  2. The lecture notes (in Japanese, English) will be uploaded in this site by the end of the lecture week in principle.
  3. Small amount of problems for your exercise at home will be given in the last of the lecture in every two weeks. Submission deadline of the solutions is two weeks later. I hope I can collect them through LTC-LMS but if that is difficult I will prepare my own web script.
  4. In the very last of the lecture in July, the problems for your report will be given. The deadline for the submission of the report will be notified then.
  5. The lecture is recorded on the cloud. I hope I can upload the video for one or two weeks.