Update Log
- 2020.04.03
- The member page was updated.
- 2018.07.01
- Phone number was updated.
- 2017.04.17
- The top and member pages were updated.
- 2016.11.07
- The top pages and publication pages were updated.
- 2015.08.24
- The album pages were updated.
- 2015.06.15
- The top pages, pamphlet, and album pages were updated.
- 2015.05.21
- The top and album pages were updated.
- 2015.04.09
- The member page and album pages were updated.
- 2014.07.02
- The event pages and album pages were updated.
- 2014.06.03
- Top pages and album pages were updated.
- 2014.05.14
- The link of a job opportunity (ISSP Research Fellow) in the side bar was updated.
- 2014.04.11
- Album was updated.
- 2014.04.09
- Member and Album pages were updated.
- 2014.03.26
- Publication page was updated.
- 2013.11.12
- Publication, Event, Album pages were updated.
- 2013.08.16
- Album was updated.
- 2013.07.29
- Album was updated.
- 2013.07.11
- English pages are open. If you find some errors, please inform Nakamura.
- 2013.07.08
- Album an Member was updated.
- 2013.05.25
- Pumphlet of ISSP guidance 2013 was uploaded.
- 2013.05.13
- Publication and Album was updated.
- 2013.05.08
- The layout breaking in IE8 and before are corrected.
- 2013.04.30
- HP is renewal opened.