Past News
- 2020.04.03
- We welcomed new member, Joshua Hoemke, as a PD.
- 2019.11.05
- Nakamura and Shimizu will give presentations at Materials Research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019), held in Yokohama (Japan)
- 2019.11.05
- Nakamura will give a presentation at International Conference on Topological Materials Science 2019 (TopoMat2019), held in Kyoto (Japan).
- 2019.11.05
- Nakamuwa will give an invited talk at APPC2019, held in Kuching (Malaysia).
- 2019.11.05
- Nakamura gave an invited talk and Onizaki and Shimizu gave poster presentations at 3rd EPiQS-TMS alliance workshop on Topological Phenomena in Quantum Materials (TPQM2019), held in UCSB (USA).
- 2019.11.05
- Onizaki gave an oral presentation at JPS 2019 Autumn Meeting, held in Gifu University.
- 2019.11.05
- Nakamura and Shimizu gave poster presentations at Spintech X, held in Chicago (USA).
- 2019.11.05
- Nakamura and Onizaki gave oral presentations and Hashimoto and Shimizu gave poster presentations at Compound Semiconductor Week 2019, held in Nara (Japan).
- 2019.03.11
- Nakamura gave an invited talk, and Hashimoto, Onizaki, and Shimizu gave oral presentations at JPS 2020 Annual (34th) Meeting, held in Kyushu University.
- 2019.02.20
- Shimizu (M2) won a poster award at an international workshop "Topological Phases and Functionality of Correlated Electron Systems 2019 (TPFC2019)", held in Future Center Initiative. Congratulations!
- 2018.11.09
- An article of our research by Nakamura and Katsumoto was published in Butsuri (The Nihon Butsuri Gakkaishi, Membership Journal). Its cover is an illustration made by Iwasaki (revised by Nakamura).
- 2018.11.09
- A joint research with Prof. Haruyama (Aoyamagakuin University) was published in Science Advances
- 2018.07.01
- We re-arranged the experimental room and chenged the phone number.
- 2018.06.28
- Nakamura, Hashimoto(Katsumoto), Onizaki and Shimizu will give oral and poster presentations in an international conference ICPS2018, held in Montpellier (France).
- 2018.05.25
- A paper by Endo was selected as a paper of Editors' Choice in JPSJ. Congratulations!
- 2017.11.01
- Nakamura will give an invited talk in a workshop OSS2017 at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics in Kyoto University.
- 2017.11.01
- Nakamura, Hashimoto, Onizaki and Shimizu will give oral and poster presentations in a symposium ISNTT2017 at NTT Atsugi R&B center.
- 2017.11.01
- Thank you for visiting our exhibition area in Kashiwa open campus 2017.
- 2017.11.01
- Nakamura gave an oral presentation in CSRN-Tokyo Workshop 2017.
- 2017.09.10
- Nakamura and Onizaki will give oral presentations in JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting in Iwate University.
- 2017.06.15
- Nakamura and Onizaki will give oral and poster presentations in LT28, held in Gothenburg (Sweden).
- 2017.06.15
- Nakamura and Onizaki will give oral and poster presentations in EP2DS-22/MSS-18, held in Penn State Univesity (USA).
- 2017.06.07
- Nakamura and Onizaki will give poster presentations in SpinTECH IX, held in Fukuoka (Japan).
- 2017.04.03
- We welcomed new members, Takase Shimizu as an M1 student.
- 2016.11.05
- Dr. Tomohiro Otsuka received "Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan (Division 4)". (HP)
- 2016.08.25
- Nakamura received "Young Researcher Best Poster Award" in PASPS9.
- 2016.07.25
- Nakamura and Iwasaki will give poster presentations in PASPS9, held in Kobe (Japan).
- 2016.07.25
- Nakamura and Iwasaki will give presentations in ICPS2016, held in Beijing (China).
- 2016.06.02
- Graduate School Guidance 2016 will be held on 4th, June.
- 2016.04.01
- We welcomed new members, Makoto Onizaki as an M1 student.
- 2015.09.08
- Iwasaki and Nakamura will give oral presentations in JPS 2015 Autumn Meeting at Kansai University.
- 2015.07.23
- Nakamura and Iwasaki will give poster presentations in SpinTech VIII, held in Basel (Switzerland).
- 2015.05.21
- Graduate School Guidance 2015 will be held on 23th, May.
- 2015.05.21
- Nakamura, Hashimoto and Iwasaki will give poster presentations in EP2DS-21/MSS-17, held in Sendai (Japan).
- 2015.04.09
- We are looking forward to your continued good will in this fiscal year. We will update our page more frequently.
- 2015.03.31
- Nakamura gave an oral presentation at JPS 2015 Annual (70th) Meeting at Waseda University.
- 2014.09.06
- Katsumoto will give oral and poster presentations in The 75th JSAP Autumn Meeting at Hokkaido University.
- 2014.09.06
- Iwasaki and Hashimoto will give oral presentations in JPS 2014 Autumn Meeting at Chubu University.
- 2014.06.03
- ISSP Graduate School Guidance Pamphlet 2014 (in Japanese) (PDF 2.8 MB) is uploaded.
- 2014.05.14
- Kim (an alumnus) and Iwasaki will give oral presentations in ICPS2014.
- 2014.05.14
- Graduate School Guidance 2014 will be held on 24th, May.
- 2014.05.14
- Nakamura and Iwasaki will give poster presentations in a symposium on Nano Quantum Information Electronics.
- 2014.05.14
- Iwasaki will give a poster presentation in QD2014.
- 2014.04.08
- We welcomed new members, Noriyoshi Izumi and Takasi Kudo as M1 students.
- 2014.03.26
- Kim, Iwasaki, and Nakamura will give oral presentations in JPS 2014 Annual (69th) Meeting at Tokai University.
- 2014.03.26
- Prof. Katsumoto gave oral presentations in The 61st JSAP Spring Meeting at Aoyama Gakuin University.
- 2014.02.18
- Kim successfully defended his PhD thesis, and Takai and Yun also defended their Master thesis!
- 2014.01.29
- A new book on quantum physics "ʎq̏" (Maruzen) has been published. (Amazon, Rakuten)
- 2013.11.12
- New publication in Physica Status Solidi C.
- 2013.09.30
- Nakamura gave an oral presentation in JPS 2013 Fall meetings at Tokushima University.
- 2013.07.08
- Nakamura and Kim will give oral presentations in EDISON18, held in Matsue (Shimane prefecture).
- 2013.07.08
- We welcomed a new member Dr. Mastui as a PhD student on 24th Jun.
- 2013.06.18
- Nakamura and Kim will give poster presentations in EP2DS-20, held in Wroclaw (Poland).
- 2013.06.03
- We welcomed Dr. Ting-Ting Kang from Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of The Chinese Academy of Science as a research fellow.
- 2013.05.25
- ISSP Graduate School Guidance was finished. If you are interested in our laboratory, contact Prof. Katsumoto or Dr. Nakamura (see member page). We'll accept your visit.
- 2013.05.08
- Nakamura and Kim will give oral presentations in ISCS2013 held in Kobe.
- 2013.04.26
- We haven't updated for one years. We welcomed a new member, Yu Iwasaki as a M1 student.
- 2012.04.02
- We welcomed new members, Taketomo Nakamura as a research associate, Kyuya Takai and Dongha Yun as M1 students, and Vegard Sørdal as a research student.
The news before 2012 are available in Japanese here.