Final Report
- 2021/08/16
- Final Report
- 2021/07/14
- Exercise-6-714
- 2021/06/30
- Exercise-5-630
- 2021/06/16
- Exercise-4-616
- 2021/06/02
- Exercise-3-602
- 2021/05/19
- Exercise-2-519
- 2021/04/14
- Exercise-1-428
解答のテキスト部分は手書きでないようにお願いします.英語,日本語のどちらでも良く,採点は言語に依存しません. 文法や語法,文章の上手下手は問題にしませんが,意味が取れない場合は,英語日本語にかかわらず,減点します. 解答は,ファイルサイズのできるだけ小さな(1 MB以下が目安),Adobe Readerできちんと表示できるPDFファイルにまとめ,ITC-LSMを通して提出してください
The text part in the answer should be typed (not handwriting) in English or Japanese. The scoring does not depend on the language. It doesn't matter if you are good at grammar, vocabulary, or sentences, but if I cannot catch the meaning, the scoring will get deducted regardless of English or Japanese. The answer sheet should be in small-sized (hopefully less than 1 MB) PDF format, which can be appropriately displayed by Adobe Reader. The file of the answer should be submitted through ITC-LSM.